To ensure an effective testing journey, it is important to understand the appropriate timing for performing smoke testing. This blog outlines the key opportunities to understand when to do smoke testing to enhance software quality.
As in our previous posts we understood that, smoke testing is one of most critical step in software testing to verify the stability and readiness of system under test after code change or deployment. Smoke testing involves quick checks on the most important features of software to verify that software is performing as expected and ready for further in-depth testing.
In this article, we will explore key opportunities in detail to understand when to do smoke testing.

After Code Changes or Deployment
Smoke testing should be performed immediately after code changes or deployment to identify any critical issues that may have introduced during the process. This ensures that the application is in a stable state and ready for further testing.
Before In-Depth Testing
Smoke testing serves as a precursor to more comprehensive testing activities. It helps identify major show-stopping issues early on, allowing the testing team to focus on areas that require attention before proceeding with detailed testing.
Prior to User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Before initiating UAT, where the application is tested from an end-user perspective, conducting smoke tests ensures that the basic functionality of the system is intact. This helps minimise the risk of major defects being discovered during UAT, saving time and effort for both the testing team and end-users.
Immediately after deploying to production
Conducting smoke tests immediately after deploying to production is a critical practice that ensures the stability, readiness, and integrity of an application in the production environment. It helps in identifying the issue earliest possible which minimises the impact on users and improves customer satisfaction.
By performing smoke testing at the right time, organizations can detect issues early, save time and resources, and mitigate risks associated with deploying unstable software. Incorporating smoke testing as a standard practice in the software development process helps maintain system stability, enhances overall product quality, and promotes a positive user experience.
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